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For Healthcare Staffing Agencies, contract due diligence is a first line of defense


In today’s litigious environment, healthcare staffing agencies, now more than ever before, need to do their due diligence with clients before they contract for services.  Hospitals, ambulatory surgery centers, nursing facilities, home healthcare companies, correctional settings ….  Many, if not all, of the standard healthcare staffing firm’s clients are under pressure to decrease costs while  Continue Reading »

Reducing Unnecessary Radiation Exposure from Medical Imaging


Imaging exams have led to improvements in the diagnosis and treatment of many types of medical conditions, however, the radiation from these exams may elevate a patient’s lifetime risk for developing cancer.  The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services recently released a white paper to address the need for a balanced public health approach  Continue Reading »

Jump on the Bandwagon!


I get most of my news online.  I rarely pick up a newspaper or watch TV.  Information comes to me, in the form of e-newsletters and alerts.  I embrace technology.  I follow blogs.  When NSU decided to start a blog, I jumped on the bandwagon.   Today, I’m excited to welcome you to the first post  Continue Reading »