I get most of my news online. I rarely pick up a newspaper or watch TV. Information comes to me, in the form of e-newsletters and alerts. I embrace technology. I follow blogs. When NSU decided to start a blog, I jumped on the bandwagon. Today, I’m excited to welcome you to the first post of the NSU Healthcare blog.
As time goes by, what you’ll find here will be a wide variety of information, news and opinions about liability issues in healthcare. We’re going to limit the “sales and marketing” aspect – although, where appropriate, we will point out how our programs can solve a particular problem. And, you’ll see the occasional announcement of new NSU program features and benefits.
But, our main goal is to be a resource, provide tools and food-for-thought for our brokers and clients. We have assembled a very knowledgeable group of contributors, our own Palmer Hart and OmniSure’s Michelle Foster Earle, to name a few, and we’ll touch on areas of concern in healthcare risk management, correctional healthcare, and medical imaging, just to name a few.
We’ll invite your comments and ask you to join in the conversation. Solicit your opinions as well, and keep an open dialog. A year from now, I hope that you have come to rely on us, not only for industry news, but as a source that helps you stay on top of your game. I want you to look forward to our weekly posts and value the information we provide.
At NSU, we know that you are our partners. You count on us to bring you the most comprehensive insurance programs. Now, we’re taking it up a notch.
To get us started, I’m going to ask you to post a comment and tell me what topics you would like to see our crack team of experts tackle. Let’s start get a conversation started.
Thanks for taking this ride with us. You can always reach me at bnewman@nsui.com. I’d love to hear your thoughts.
Read more about Ben Newman here
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