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Common Claim Scenarios for Correctional Health Professionals.


Two months ago I discussed common claim types in correctional medicine and cited a specific example.  Since then I have been asked for more examples so our agents can use them as a selling tool.  Here are a few in addition to the August example that are a good representation of the types of claims  Continue Reading »

Managing the Media in Healthcare Crisis Situations.


September 14th, 2012 by Michelle Foster Earle This is the first entry in a series of blog posts covering all aspects of managing the media during a healthcare crisis. Being prepared to handle the media during a crisis is an essential aspect of successful management. In this series we will cover: The initial response and  Continue Reading »



August 22nd, 2012 by Ben Newman One of the risks facing correctional healthcare professionals is recidivism. There is a correlation between higher rates of recidivism and increased medical malpractice claims. Recidivism is the term used for individuals who have been incarcerated for a crime who then repeat the illegal behavior after being released from jail  Continue Reading »

Healthcare Worker Fatigue and Patient Safety


In a recent webinar on Healthcare Worker Fatigue, OmniSure Healthcare Consultant, Karen Kruer, RN, discussed the link between healthcare worker fatigue and adverse events.   The correlation is well documented, she says, prompting The Joint Commission to issue a new Sentinel Event Alert: Healthcare Worker Fatigue and Patient Safety in December 2011. The Alert urges greater  Continue Reading »

The Ultra Medical Imaging Program Overview.


April 4, 2012 By: Mark Walker At NSU Healthcare, we have teamed up with the nations strongest medical malpractice insurer to bring an exclusive program to your medical imaging clients. We invite you to attend our webinar and learn more about our program that features: Customized risk management services Difficult to find coverages including rolling  Continue Reading »

Risk Issues in Medical Imaging


47% of imaging facilities will be sued. 29% will be sued twice. At NSU Healthcare, we have teamed up with industry leader, OmniSure Consulting Group, to create a comprehensive liability program providing strong malpractice coverage and including the all-important risk management segment.   This NSU partner webinar is brought to you by OmniSure Consulting Group LLC and  Continue Reading »

Common Claim Types in Correctional Facilities


In my last post I discussed the different types of facilities and what this means to the healthcare providers in a correctional facility. Now I want to dig a little deeper into the claims for a correctional facility.  I am often asked “What is the primary claim type that pays in correctional healthcare?” And most people  Continue Reading »

NSU Partner Video – OmniSure on Risk Management


OmniSure’s Vice President Kathy Fitzgerald, RN, discusses OmniSure’s services, “We execute every service we promise with sharply focused expertise.”   NSU Healthcare specializes in the Medical Professional Liability, General Liability, and Umbrella/Excess insurance needs of the healthcare industry.  

Niche Markets in Healthcare


Overview: For retail brokers with a specialty healthcare or insured consumers looking for coverage, deciding on the necessary needs and coverages can be a daunting task.  Combine that with a lack of clarity in definitions, and you have a perfect storm.  Some insurers group miscellaneous healthcare facilities with allied health and some group allied health  Continue Reading »

Meaningful Use for Radiologists.


The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 had wide sweeping implications, a number for healthcare.  The act often referred to as “the Stimulus” had three immediate goals: create and save jobs, spur economic activity, and foster unprecedented levels of accountability and transparency in recovery spending. The act authorizes the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid  Continue Reading »